University Research Case Study

University Laboratory Doubles Throughput with Tower Units

Arthur Trapotsis
Written by: Arthur Trapotsis

MS Biochemical Engineering, MBA, Consultant


A core research lab at a Southeastern-based university approached ARES Scientific, a long-standing sales partner for Consolidated Sterilizer Systems, with the need to increase sterilization throughput without adding a second core room.

During initial meetings, the client explained to Ryan Coutant, Vice President of ARES Scientific, that they wanted to add sterilization capacity to accommodate two floors of labs without taking up additional space. The client also expressed that it wanted to avoid building new core rooms in an adjoining building on campus that was scheduled for renovation. ARES and Consolidated collaborated to present a solution that worked for the client.


Having recently partnered with Consolidated to deliver several autoclaves equipped with water conservation capabilities for this same client, Coutant proposed the Consolidated dual chamber tower autoclave as the perfect solution to the client’s space-related challenge. With a 35% smaller footprint than two sterilizers set up side-by-side, Consolidated’s Tower Model offers the ultimate in space savings. Like all Consolidated autoclaves, each Tower Model was built using non-proprietary parts and the state-of-the-art X1 Control System. In addition, each model was built with water and energy conservation features, such as the WaterEco System, EcoCalendar and Auto-Idle Shutoff.

A local Consolidated-authorized and factory-trained service provider performed the installation. This installation was unique because it involved not one, but two Tower Model autoclaves recess-mounted into a wall, side-by-side. You can see two units from this project in the image below, situated just below a canopy hood.


This is an ongoing project with five core rooms in one building and an additional core room in the adjoining building. Each core room will feature two tower autoclaves for a total of 12 Tower Models. By doubling sterilization capacity in one core room, the lab personnel from both buildings can now share the sterilizer core rooms at one end of the building where they connect.

Though the project is ongoing, the client has already been able to significantly increase throughput while optimizing lab space. According to Coutant, “The client has already doubled their throughput as a result of the first phase, and they’re pleased with the results.” Coutant also noted that Consolidated’s autoclaves are the preferred sterilizer of choice due to Consolidated’s long track record with the customer, reputation for being easy to work with and manufacturing a solid product that is easy to use and service.