From Boston to Doha: CSS Installs Steam Autoclave in Qatar for Its Supreme Council of Health

From Boston to Doha: CSS Installs Steam Autoclave in Qatar for Its Supreme Council of Health

Jason Thompson
Written by: Jason Thompson

CSS is happy to welcome back our National Service Manager, Byron Holt, from Doha, Qatar. Mr. Holt traveled 7,000+ miles from our Boston headquarters to help Qatar’s Supreme Council of Health accept and install our SR-24A-ADVPLUS steam autoclave in their Food Control Laboratory.

About Qatar:

Located in the heart of the Middle East—beside Saudi Arabia, above the UAE, and directly on the Persian Gulf across from Iran—Qatar is a multicultural hotbed with one of the world’s strongest economies per capita. Its primary export is oil; its population is comprised of nearly all expatriates; and its home to the biggest US military base in the region.

From Boston to Doha: CSS Installs Steam Autoclave in Qatar for Its Supreme Council of Health

About Qatar’s Supreme Council of Health’s Food Control Laboratory:

Not surprisingly, this cosmopolitan country boasts some of the highest standards of living in the world, and as such, places emphasis on importing quality goods that will meet the demands of its citizenry and help contribute to a broad range of preventative health care initiatives and services. As such, Qatar’s Supreme Council of Health operates a Food Control Laboratory, which runs extensive quality assurance testing on all nutriment products brought into the nation.

From Boston to Doha: CSS Installs Steam Autoclave in Qatar for Its Supreme Council of Health

A member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and chair of the Gulf Standards Organization (GSO), Qatar has been actively updating the area’s food standards over the past decade, leveraging it’s state-of-the-art Food Laboratory for many process applications. Specifically, this laboratory is used to document, analyze, and ensure that food passes rigorous safety assessments. Everything from a product’s shelf life, food additives, pesticide levels, and other contaminant-related issues are measured.

About the CSS Steam Autoclave Installation:

The Supreme Council of Health purchased their first steam autoclave from CSS in 1999. At the time, our unit was installed in their laboratory alongside various other steam autoclaves fabricated by a handful of other autoclave manufacturers. However, when the council reconnected with us in late 2013, they indicated that the non-CSS units were failing, which hampered their operational capacity.

To counter the issue and meet their demands, the Food Control Lab needed another reliable steam autoclave. Through our Doha-based sales manager, Muhammed Rafeek of Mashreq Scientific, the Council contacted CSS with a request for a second steam autoclave.

From Boston to Doha: CSS Installs Steam Autoclave in Qatar for Its Supreme Council of Health

CSS assigned Mr. Holt to work with Mr. Rafeek and the Council to identify our Model-SR-24A-ADVPLUS as the proper unit to serve the organization’s Food Control Laboratory. The unit was delivered via cargo ship and came complete with loading cart, transfer carriage, and touchscreen controller. It will be used four to five times daily, running various loads (hard goods, media, agar plate samples, and incubation testing materials) and cycle types, including liquid cycles to reduce boil-over and properly sterilize liquids used to test food quality aspects.

The installation took Mr. Holt, Mr. Rafeek, and the electrical team 15 hours to complete. This included accepting the unit, installing it, and additional time spent training five of the Food Control Lab’s personnel to use it, as well as Mr. Refeek’s local sales representatives and local electricians on steam autoclave preventative maintenance.

“Like every installation CSS facilitates, a lot of homework was done to ensure that this installation was so successful,” said Mr. Holt. “From determining that the proper utilities were available, like water sources, pressure, supply, and electrical outputs, to coordinating and tracking the cargo delivery, to communicating with everyone involved, there was a lot to balance. Mr. Rafeek, the Council, and every staff member in Doha were exceptionally receptive and hospitable. We look forward to more business with Qatar’s growing hospital, university, and laboratory communities.”

CSS’ product line includes more than 30 steam autoclave models.  Our units can be found in more than 60 countries worldwide in  many leading universities, hospitals, and biotechnology facilities. , Learn more about our procurement process, manufacturing capacities, and steam autoclaves. or contact us today for more information. We’re always here to keep you up to date on all things autoclave.