CSS Steam Autoclave Order Process

The Steam Autoclave Procurement Process in 6 Steps

Written by: Jason Thompson

When you’re in the market for a steam autoclave, it’s useful to know the steps involved in the acquisition process. From the initial sales call through final installation, this article will outline the process so your facility can plan accordingly. At Consolidated Sterilizer Systems (CSS), our ordering process is designed to efficiently and accurately provide you with the autoclave you need.

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Autoclave Manufacture USA

4 Reasons Why Where Your Autoclave Is Manufactured Matters

Written by: Jason Thompson

From your car to the food you eat, it’s important to know where things come from. The same goes for autoclaves—you should be aware of where they are manufactured and how this can impact the overall value. In the U.S. market today, there are both foreign and domestic autoclave manufacturers. Autoclaves engineered and manufactured in the United States provide more returns for labs or facilities located in the U.S. than their foreign counterparts.

There are 4 essential considerations for evaluating an autoclave manufacturer:

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