Why Our New Laboratory Sterilizer Took 4 Years to Develop: A Letter From The CEO

Why Our New Laboratory Sterilizer Took 4 Years to Develop

Written by: Arthur Trapotsis
January 5, 2014


I’ve been CEO of Consolidated Sterilizer Systems for 6 years now and one thing I’ve learned along the way is to appreciate and embrace customer feedback. Early on in my career I kept hearing conflicting information about the design of our sterilizer doors. I would hear comments like; “Why don’t you offer a vertical sliding door sterilizer?” and “We love your radial-arm, hinged door.” Believe it or not, these seemingly different sets of customers were saying the same thing—that they both had poor experiences with the existing vertical door laboratory sterilizers on the market. Despite this information, we waited. The truth was we knew that vertical door sterilizers were prone to more errors and maintenance than the traditional, “radial arm, hinged” door and we wanted nothing to do with it. Read more →

Consolidated Sterilizer Systems to Attend the 65th AALAS National Meeting

Consolidated Sterilizer Systems to Attend the 65th AALAS National Meeting

Written by: Jason Thompson

Consolidated Sterilizer Systems will be at Booth #1109 at this year’s AALAS National Meeting in San Antonio, Texas from October 19-23. What Is the AALAS National Meeting? The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science is a nonprofit association with approximately 12,000 members interested in the exchange of information in the care and use of laboratory […]

CSS Steam Autoclave Order Process

The Steam Autoclave Procurement Process in 6 Steps

Written by: Jason Thompson

When you’re in the market for a steam autoclave, it’s useful to know the steps involved in the acquisition process. From the initial sales call through final installation, this article will outline the process so your facility can plan accordingly. At Consolidated Sterilizer Systems (CSS), our ordering process is designed to efficiently and accurately provide you with the autoclave you need.

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colcom autoclave rep

New Autoclave Rep Company Joins The CSS Team

Written by: Arthur Trapotsis

Consolidated Sterilizer Systems is proud to announce a new partnership with Colcom, Inc. as our authorized local representative for the Southern New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware areas. Colcom was founded in 1970 as a manufacturer’s rep group selling autoclaves and various other lab equipment. Over time, Colcom has expanded its product offerings to include a full-range of healthcare and laboratory equipment. Now in their 44th year, Colcom represents 16 manufacturers. President Bridget Collins attributes their success to creating long-standing customer relationships, “it’s really about trust, good faith, and good service,” she stated.

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High-Tech Autoclave Install in Germfree Mobile Laboratory

Written by: Arthur Trapotsis

Consolidated Sterilizer Systems is excited to announce a sophisticated new installation: Our PT-SSR-2A BSL-3 Series Steam Sterilizer is now in a Germfree Modular Laboratory. About Germfree: Germfree is a company that develops completely integrated, high-containment laboratory solutions in shipping containers, truck beds, and modular buildings. These mobile labs are transported across the globe in shipping […]

Autoclave Manufacture USA

4 Reasons Why Where Your Autoclave Is Manufactured Matters

Written by: Jason Thompson

From your car to the food you eat, it’s important to know where things come from. The same goes for autoclaves—you should be aware of where they are manufactured and how this can impact the overall value. In the U.S. market today, there are both foreign and domestic autoclave manufacturers. Autoclaves engineered and manufactured in the United States provide more returns for labs or facilities located in the U.S. than their foreign counterparts.

There are 4 essential considerations for evaluating an autoclave manufacturer:

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