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Sterility is contingent on an item’s SAL, which determines the likelihood of microorganisms surviving the sterilization process. What does SAL stand for?(Required)
What are the three parameters required for successful steam sterilization to occur?(Required)
Steam at 100°C contains __ as much energy as water at 100°C.(Required)
What are the three primary phases to any sterilization cycle?(Required)
What does a vacuum system do?(Required)
What are the three most common sterilization cycles?(Required)
What type of plumbing do Consolidated’s standard construction autoclaves use?(Required)
What type of applications might require a nickel-clad chamber?(Required)
What are the four primary steam sources for laboratory autoclaves?(Required)
What type of water should you not use with a boiler constructed from carbon steel?(Required)
Which type of load should require vacuum air removal (i.e. Prevac cycle)?(Required)
What are the two primary types of mechanical vacuum systems used in autoclaves?(Required)
Why is it important to use a liquid cycle when autoclaving liquids?(Required)
During sterilization, a liquid load is most often heated to a temperature of __.(Required)
During the sterilization phase, an autoclave chamber typically operates at a pressure of __ above atmospheric pressure.(Required)
True or false: A liquid cycle is suitable for containers with 1 mL of liquid.(Required)
The acceptance criterion for steam dryness is at least __ by weight, and almost every sterilizer manufacturer recommends __ pure steam.(Required)
The percentage of non-condensable gasses in steam should be less than or equal to __ by volume.(Required)
The amount of superheat present in steam should be no more than __ above the temperature in free expansion into the atmosphere at the current atmospheric pressure.(Required)
The following items can contribute to poor steam quality:(Required)
What safety gear should autoclave operators wear to prevent scalds or burns?(Required)
Which items should you never place inside an autoclave?(Required)
True or false: When sterilizing glass containers with lids, it’s important to loosen the lid before placing the container into the autoclave chamber.(Required)
True or false: Red bags should be tied shut before being placed into an autoclave chamber.(Required)
Failure to properly tighten your autoclave door can __ and __.(Required)
What items do you need to clean the inside of an autoclave chamber?(Required)
True or false: It’s important to remove and clean the chamber drain strainer before cleaning the rest of the autoclave chamber.(Required)
How can you tell if a door gasket is faulty?(Required)
What is the purpose of a Bowie-Dick test?(Required)
What should you do before running a Bowie-Dick test cycle in your autoclave?(Required)
What is the purpose of a vacuum leak test?(Required)
Industry standards call for an average leak rate of __ or less.(Required)
An autoclave might not reach its temperature set point if…(Required)
What’s an easy way to validate an autoclave to ensure proper sterilization?(Required)
What is the most common cause for wet loads?(Required)
It’s best practice to perform maintenance on your autoclave after __ cycles.(Required)